
  • First Snow

    There was a lot of “1st Snow” excitement in the Billington household this morning. I decided there was no need to rush this morning; I could take the few extra minutes and shower after the kids got on the bus.…

  • At Her Kitchen Table

    It had been a long day of babies, toddlers and elementary children, homework and supper; bath, book, bed, bath, book, bed.  My dishpan hands traced the lines etched into the faded wooden table top sitting in my cluttered kitchen as…

  • But Did He Give You His House Key?

    A wide rectangular magnet adheres the glittery gold notepad to our finger- smudged white refrigerator. “To DO” is scrawled across the top in bold black sharpie. The list is long, as it always is if you’re a homeowner. Finish the…

  • Don’t Forget Who You Are

    As we pulled out of the beach house for another year, sticky salt spray blew up from the beach adhering the fine red sand of our cherished Prince Edward Island to our black mini van This thin layer of memories…

  • For All That Stayed the Same

    We gathered around the coffee table, bellies full of turkey and stuffing, potatoes and gravy, peas and carrots, all the pickles, cranberry sauce and rolls, oh and coleslaw, all the Thanksgiving things. And yes we were anticipating the pumpkin pie,…

  • Heirloom: When God Doesn’t Do What You Think He Will

    The painter sat on the linoleum floor that sunny Wednesday morning, a black garbage bag spread out under the freshly stripped kitchen chair. Slow, deep, breathing could be heard in the kitchen as the canister was tipped back and forth…

  • Could You Remember This Too?

    It is late, very late for a 5 year old, 7 year old, 10 and 11 year old. The sand is cooling, squishing and scratching between our toes. “Is this real sand,” I ask him. “or did they bring it…

  • Big Faith in Four Small Words

    Sitting at the kitchen table the aging woman scrolled through picture after picture of her infant grandson. Worry etched the wrinkles deeper into her face as she explained that he had been moved for the second time, to another foster…

  • When Your First Born Goes To Middle School

    Dear Firstborn, It’s been a month now, so I’ll be a little honest: the first back to school tears this year were mine. Yes, it was a week before school started, a little early, I know. Starting Middle School with…

  • We Are Beautiful Together

    She rounded the corner tall and elegant, looking to see where I might be seated. We had waiting all morning to get to see each other again. I was watching for her too, and attempting to stay in my seat…