
  • Living is Remembering.

    Before my feet hit the cold floor this morning, before the sun began to invade the early morning darkness, before I uttered a single word, I knew. It was 11 years ago today. It was a snow globe morning in…

  • My Marked Heart: 10 years later

    I was painting the stage wall charcoal black and remembering.I was tucking my oldest girls in and remembering.I was leading a training meeting and remembering.I was laughing with a friend and remembering.I was curling in to fall asleep on my…

  • Why Won’t My Grief Go Away?

    Courage and bravery don't come from denying fear and heartache; grief doesn't go away. Let the snotty tears, the wailing cries, the confusion, and the anger have their places, they aren't weaknesses, they are the birthing grounds for strength.

  • Are You Brave Enough To Sit In The Middle?

    The processing wheel spun on my cell phone as we waited for dinner to arrive at the restaurant. The night was sticky and hot, not a hint of a breeze in the air, the telltale smell of Haitian charcoal burning…

  • Will You Pray For Me?

    Determined, but quiet, she had followed him unnoticed, around the church grounds following Sunday service. He shook hands and connected with the men, offered up his cheek for a kiss from the women, encouraged the local Pastor and Elders and…

  • Do You Need A Sister?

    Even just for these brief moments, walking the Haitian main road through the central plateau region in the midday sun was hot and dusty; it felt good to get out and stretch. I mimicked standing on the side of the…

  • Everyone Told Me to Leave Him Out to Die

    “Everyone told me to leave him out somewhere to die. But I just couldn’t. He is my son.” Looking true malnutrition in the face is hard, very hard. There is a flood of unidentifiable emotion.  Part of me needs to…

  • We Are Beautiful Together

    She rounded the corner tall and elegant, looking to see where I might be seated. We had waiting all morning to get to see each other again. I was watching for her too, and attempting to stay in my seat…

  • Where Do You Find Your Strength?

    My neck and shoulders were stiff from holding myself so tightly on the long drive through the remote, rough terrain out to the water pump. The vast countryside, peppered with oxen and mules has a beauty uniquely its own. A…

  • What Role Models Do You Have?

    We arrived at the school 5 plus hours after leaving our hotel in Port-au-Prince this morning. Traffic in the city had been at a literal standstill and the stop-and- go twists and turns of the remaining 4 hours into the…